Sunday, April 24, 2011

#223: Elmer Miller

Elmer Miller

I) Elmer Miller --> '22 Yankees
I) Elmer Miller --> '22 Red Sox

Gee, I wonder which team I'll try first?

I) Elmer Miller --> '22 Red Sox --> Jack Quinn, Herb Pennock, Curt Fullerton, Muddy Ruel

II) Fullerton --> '33 Red Sox
II) Pennock --> '34 Red Sox
II) Quinn --> '33 Reds
II) Ruel --> '34 White Sox

The Reds team is the only one I don't have

II) Quinn --> '33 Reds --> Si Johnson, Rollie Hemsley, Ernie Lombardi
      III) Hemsley --> '47 Philles
      III) Johnson --> '47 Boston Braves
      III) Lombardi --> '47 New York Giants

All three of these teams have been used before. I now know I can connect, and it'll take the maximum 6 degrees. Let's see what the Yankees team can offer.

I) Elmer Miller --> '22 Yankees --> Waite Hoyt

II) Hoyt --> '38 Brooklyn Dodgers

Another connected team. By going with the first path, I can add two teams, but if I go with the second path, I add a Hall of Famer. Red Sox bias breaks the tie! (Looks like I get to add a Hall of Famer anyway - Lombardi!)

1. Elmer Miller played for the 1922 Boston Red Sox with Jack Quinn.
2. Jack Quinn played for the 1933 Cincinati Reds with Ernie Lombardi.
3. Ernie Lombardi played for the 1947 New York Giants with Whitey Lockman.
4. Whitey Lockman played for the 1960 Cincinati Reds with Frank Robinson.
5. Frank Robinson played for the 1976 Cleveland Indians with Rick Cerone.
6. Rick Cerone played for the 1992 Montreal Expos with Matt Stairs!

Degrees of Matt Stairs: 6

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